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Insect risk prevention: Recommendations from ARVALIS
The presence of live insects in stocks is an obstacle to grain marketing. To remedy this, ARVALIS - Institut du végétal recommends...Read more

Published on 30/05/2024

The majority of insect pests do not come from the fields
Despite all the efforts made throughout the year to eliminate potential insect nests, every year there is still a risk of pests developing at...Read more

Published on 30/05/2024

Javelot und BayWa starten Zusammenarbeit zur Digitalisierung der Getreidelagerung
Die Silosensorik von Javelot überwacht permanent die Wärmeentwicklung im Silo. BayWa AG will soon be using smart thermometers in the supply of water and oil....Read more

Published on 27/05/2024

Your Dedicated Contact Persons for the European and Global Markets!
Our teams are there for you internationally. Following the opening of our German subsidiary, Agritech is proud to be continuing its ascent in the international markets...Read more

Published on 03/05/2024

Javelot baut seine Aktivitäten auf dem deutschen Markt aus
Im vergangenen Sommer wurde die Javelot GmbH mit Sitz in Krefeld gegründet. Roberto Schumann, as Geschäftsstellenleiter, heads up the company's sales and service operations in Germany. Mit...Read more

Published on 23/04/2024

Store&save: a regional grant of 40%
Get our Store&save connected solution and benefit from a regional grant of 40%. Our connected thermometry and ventilation solutions are eligible for subsidy...Read more

Published on 25/03/2024

शुभ प्रभात ! Javelot is now present in India
Our teams are on hand to equip Malteries Soufflet. For our Agritech, this will enable us to continue our international development. This "test" installation has a...Read more

Published on 25/03/2024

Javelot steps up a gear in the farming segment and launches StoreInFarm
A new distribution model for cooperatives and wholesalers dedicated to on-farm storage Press release To make better use of on-farm storage, cooperatives and wholesalers are...Read more

Published on 20/03/2024

Round table: Relations between major groups and start-ups
Félix BONDUELLE, CEO and co-founder of Javelot, took part in a round table organised by InVivo on relations between large groups and small businesses.Read more

Published on 20/03/2024

Automated ventilation more efficient than programmed or manual ventilation mode
A case study was carried out on 23 storage sites and over 500,000 tonnes of stored cereals. The results show that...Read more

Published on 19/03/2024

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